Our Support Policy


  • Taking whey and milk from the supplier, accepting the ones that meet the raw material acceptance criteria, cleaning them by clarification process, separating the cream by separation process, pasteurizing according to need, demineralizing the whey according to need, separating the whey according to the needs, and pulverization with the evaporation process and spray technology dried. 25 kg inside polyethylene kraft bags outside, Whey Powder, Demineralized Whey Powder (40%, 50%, 70%), Lactose, Permeate, Protein Concentrates Powder (WPC) and Milk Powder production, storage, shipment and our quality and food safety policy within the scope of sales;
  • To produce healthy products that meet the demands and expectations of the customers without sacrificing quality and food safety,
  • To minimize the biological, chemical and physical risks by making our production where hygiene and sanitation rules are followed in the processes from the arrival of raw materials to production and shipment from and environment,
  • Producing healthy and safe products by considering the laws and laws, production and preservation standards and complying with the requirements of Quality and Food Safety Management Systems,
  • To continuously improve the system and provide the infrastructure, working environment and human resources needed for this,
  • To work with educated and conscious personnel who are respectful to customers, employees at every level participate in management, continuous and non-formal education is adopted,
  • Our aim is to sell our products by following the changing flavor trends and technological developments and keep customer satisfaction, expectations and desires at the highest level while doing this.

General Manager



  • Peynir Altı Suyunun ve Sütün tedarikçiden alınması, hammadde kabul kriterlerine uygun olanların işletmeye kabul edilmesi, klarifikasyon işlemi ile temizlenmesi, seperasyon işlemi ile kremanın ayrıştırılması, pastörize edilmesi, ihtiyaca göre peynir altı suyunun demineralizasyonu veya proteinlerin ayrıştırılması, evaporasyon işlemi ile koyulaştırılması ve spray dry teknolojisi ile kurutularak 25 kg’ lık içte polietilen dışta kraft torbalarda Peynir Altı Suyu Tozu, Demineralize Peynir Altı Suyu Tozu (%40, %50, %70), Laktoz, Permeat, Protein Konsantratları Tozu (WPC) ve Süt Tozu üretimi, depolaması, sevkiyatı ve satışı kapsamında kalite ve gıda güvenliği politikamız;
  • Kalite ve gıda güvenliğinden ödün vermeden sağlıklı, müşteri talep ve beklentilerine uygun mamuller üretmek,
  • Hammaddenin gelişinden, işletmemizde üretimine ve sevkiyata kadar ki süreçlerde hijyen ve sanitasyon kurallarına uyulan ortamlarda üretimimizi yaparak biyolojik, kimyasal ve fiziksel riskleri en aza indirgemek, 
  • Yasaları ve kanunları ürün, üretim ve muhafaza standartlarını da göz önünde bulundurarak sağlıklı ve güvenli ürünler üretip aynı zamanda Kalite ve Gıda Güvenliği Yönetim Sistemlerinin şartlarına uymak,
  • Sistemi sürekli iyileştirmek ve bunun için ihtiyaç duyulan altyapı, çalışma ortamı ve insan kaynaklarını sağlamak, 
  • Müşteriye saygılı, her kademede çalışanın yönetime katıldığı, sürekli ve yaygın eğitimin benimsendiği, eğitimli ve bilinçli personelle çalışmak, 
  • Değişen lezzet trendlerini ve teknolojik gelişmeleri takip ederek ürünlerimizi satmak ve bunu yaparken de müşteri memnuniyetini, beklenti ve isteklerini en üst seviyede tutmaktır.

Genel Müdür


How to use our Support System

Ancora Themes technical support is always there to assist their users with all the technical questions regarding Ancora products.

  1. In the ‘Item Details’ there is a clickable banner “Support Sys”, which leads you to tickets.
  2. Or you may simply follow this link: ancorathemes.ticksy.com.
  3. Enter your purchase key and register in the system.
  4. To avoid a confusion, please use your own ThemeForest login in Support System.
  5. Fill out the ticket form.

How to find a purchase key

  • Open the “downloads” tab in your account.
  • Find our theme in the list of products.
  • Click “download” button, and in the drop-down menu select “license certificate & purchase code”.


Recommended hostings:

AncoraThemes offers only the best products and services and recommends them to their customers. One of the most important services is HOSTING. Unlike any cheap hostings that usually have limited resources which causes many problems to the site owners, quality hosting gives a client a fair amount of resources sufficient for any website and any task. By using quality hosting you can rest assured that your site will work smoothly. If you happen to use such hosting with limited resources (e.g. GoDaddy!), you may experience issues with “one-click install” feature. In that case, you are always welcome to contact our support team to get qualified help.


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