Whey Permeate

Enhancing flavor and nutritional value across multiple industries.

What is? Where we use?

Whey Permeate, also known as Cheese Whey Permeate, is a highly versatile byproduct derived from the cheese-making process. Comprising primarily lactose, minerals, and a small percentage of protein, Whey Permeate serves as an invaluable ingredient across various industries due to its rich nutritional profile and functional properties. Its ability to enhance flavor, improve nutritional content, and act as a cost-effective additive makes it a preferred choice for manufacturers aiming to optimize product quality and nutritional value.

  • Food Industry

    Used as a sweetener, salt reducer, and flavor enhancer in ready soups, sauces, bakery products, and meat products.

  • Beverage Industry

    Natural flavor enhancer for energy and sports drinks.

  • Animal Feed

    Low-cost protein and mineral source for animal nutrition.

  • Dairy Products Manufacturing

    Enriches dairy products with lactose and mineral content.

Chemical & Physical Properties

SpecificationsTypical ValuesMethodPrinciple
Moisture, m/mmax   4 %3.5 %IDF Standard 26:1964Gravimetry, drying; 103±2 0C
Fat, m/mmax   1 %0.5 %Gerber /Teichert Method, NADRG: 1978Gerber
Protein, m/m (Nx6,38)min    3 %4%IDF Standard 20B: 1993Kjeldahl, titrimetry
Ash, m/mmax   10 %9%IDF Standard 90:1986Furnace; 825±25 0C
Lactose, m/mmin    75 %78%NADRG: 1978Subsidence, (Cu2O)
Titratable acidity (L.A.)max   0.16 %0.14 %ADMI: 1971Titrimetry
pH (in 10 % solution)min   6.00Haz.20TS 11860pH metre
Salt, m/mmax   8 %7%Titrimetry
Density, g/cm3min   0.6000.650NADRG: 1978Volumetry Gravimetry
Solubility index, mlmax  10.5IDF: 1964Centrifugation
Scorched ParticlesDisk  A/BAADMI: 1971Visual comparasion with standard disks

Microbiological Properties

SpecificationsTypical ValuesMethodPrinciple
Total plate count, cfu/gmax  40.0007.000TS 1019Plate Count Agar
Coliform, cfu/0.1 gmax  10negativeFDA: 1998Fluorocult VRB Agar
E.coli, cfu/gnegativenegativeFDA: 1998Fluorocult VRB Agar
Staph.aureus, cfu/gnegativenegativeAnon., 1998 (38)Baird-Parker Agar
Salmonella, cfu/25gnegativenegativeTS 8907Selenit-Cystin Broth & Bismut-Sülfite Agar
Yeast & Mould, cfu/0.1 gmax  100negativePitt&Hocking, 1997 (86)YGC Agar